The Recruiting Process

Thinking about running for the Village of Riverside's Board of Trustees? 

If so, we're glad you're here!

Becoming a member of Riverside's Board of Trustees is a great way to make a positive impact on our community. The Riverside Community Caucus (RCC) is here to help, encourage, and support any resident who would like to run for Riverside's Village Board of Trustees. 

Can I be a candidate? Yes you can!

Have you lived in Riverside for decades or just a few years? Either way, you can run for office!

Are you a business person, an artist, a public servant, a retiree, or a community volunteer? You too can be a candidate!

Any Village of Riverside resident who meets the State of Illinois eligibility requirements can be a candidate! 

*For more information about the State of Illinois requirements, please visit

Specific state requirements may be found in the Candidates Guide, in the Running for Office section of the website.

How does it work?

The Recruiting Committee

In the spring of even-numbered years, the Riverside Community Caucus forms a Recruiting Committee. The Recruiting Committee is composed of RCC members who work closely with the community to find, encourage, and support our friends and neighbors who are interested in running for Riverside's Board of Trustees.  

The Recruiting Committee will make announcements and seek the community's help to find great leaders. Anyone can nominate someone they know as a possible Board of Trustee Candidate, regardless of Caucus membership status. The Recruiting Committee will make every effort to reach all nominees, and as many people in the community as possible. Look for their announcements on social media and in the RB Landmark. They will also be sending emails, making phone calls, and personally engaging with friends, neighbors, and the community

For more information please visit the previous 2022 Recruiting Committee Objectives


To nominate yourself or someone you know please complete and submit the 2024 Prospective Candidate Nomination form which may be found HERE

Not a member? There's still time! 

Become a member by June 1, 2024 in order to be eligible to vote on who the Riverside Community Caucus endorses for the 2025 election. Anyone joining AFTER June 1, will not be eligible to vote on which candidates the Riverside Community Caucus endorses. 

Step 2 


Once you've decided to begin the endorsement process, we would like to get to know you.

All prospective candidates are asked to complete a Candidate Introduction form. For example, you can review the previous,  

2022 Prospective Candidate Introduction

Once completed please email a .pdf version of this document along with your resume to  

Once the Recruiting Committee has reviewed your introduction packet they will schedule a time to meet with you personally to review your information. This is an opportunity for everyone to meet, review the information you provided, ask additional questions, and answer any questions you might have about what is involved in running for and serving on our village board.  

One of the first questions we are asked is "How many hours a week would I need to commit to this?" 

To help answer this and other questions, the Recruiting Committee interviews current board members and puts together a document to share with candidates. 

Feel free to review the previous 2022 Trustee Interview Summary.  

Step 3

Community Forum

In the fall of even numbered years, the Riverside Community Caucus will host a moderated public forum where candidates may engage with and present themselves to the Riverside community. 

The entire village, regardless of membership, as well as all candidates who participated in the Caucus process, are welcome to attend. 

Prior to the event, the RCC will ask the community to submit questions they would like the prospective candidates to answer. Although time is limited, we will make every effort to ask all of the questions at the forum.  

Step 4

RCC Members Vote

Shortly after the forum, Riverside Community Caucus members will vote on which prospective candidates to endorse. 

Although all candidates may be qualified, we may not be able to endorse them all. If there are three (3) open seats on the Board of Trustees, the Caucus will only endorse three (3) prospective candidates. 

We deeply appreciate all members of our community who seek ways to serve our village and its residents! 

If a candidate is not endorsed by the RCC, it is in no way a negative reflection on their character, integrity, or ability to serve the community.  We genuinely believe that all prospective candidates add value to the community, regardless of the outcome of the RCC's endorsement process. It is our hope that all prospective candidates will continue to engage with and find ways to contribute to Riverside's community.

Helpful Information

2022 Prospective Candidate Introduction

2022 Prospective Candidate Introduction

Beta - RCC Recruiting Commitee Objectives

2022 Recruiting Committee Objectives

2022 Trustee Attributes & Skills.pdf

Helpful skills and attributes of a Trustee

2022 Sitting Trustee Discussion Summary.pdf

2022 Trustee Interviews: 

What does it mean to be a Trustee?