Can I be a member if I'm a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent?
Yes! We welcome members from all political perspectives.
Is the Riverside community Caucus a non-partisan organization?
Yes! The RCC is a non-partisan organization.
Does the Riverside Community Caucus make financial contributions to endorsed candidates?
No. The RCC as an organization does not make financial or significant "in-kind" contributions to any candidate, party, or slate.
Can I be a member if I am NOT a registered voter?
No. However, if you visit our Elections page and follow the instructions you can register right now and then join.
Can I be a member if I live in Riverside on the west side of First Avenue?
Yes! All residents who live within the Village of Riverside may join. However this does not include all of Riverside township.
Can I be a member if I'm a resident of Brookfield or Berwyn?
No. The Riverside Community Caucus only serves the Village of Riverside.
Is the annual membership fee per person or per household?
The annual membership fee is per person.
Can I join the day before the Riverside Community Caucus votes on which prospective candidates to endorse, and then vote?
No. According to our bylaws a member must have joined before May 1st of non-election years, in order to be eligible to vote for which candidates the RCC will endorse. This means that if the next Village Board of Trustee election will be held in the spring of 2023, you must have joined prior to May 1, 2022.
What is the RCC's role after a candidate is endorsed?
RCC members may help collect signatures on election documents, display candidate-provided yard signs, and generally advocate for RCC candidates. However, once candidates are endorsed, the candidates are free to coordinate a slate or run independently. The Riverside Community Caucus has no influence over their campaign or their role as an elected village officer.
What if I would like to run for an open seat on the Riverside Village Board of Trustees but the Recruiting committee hasn't asked me?
Although we do our best, we may unintentionally overlook a great candidate. If you have an interest in running for Riverside's Village Board of Trustees please reach out to us @
Do I need to be a member to participate in the Recruiting Process and seek an RCC endorsement?
No. Any resident interested in running for a position on Riverside's Village Board of Trustees is welcome to participate in our recruiting process, present themselves to the community at our free and open to the public candidate forum, and seek an endorsement from the Riverside Community Caucus.
Has the Riverside Community Caucus ever endorsed a candidate that was not a member?
Yes. Although we invite all Riverside residents to join, membership is not a requirement for endorsement. Our goal is to endorse the candidates our members feel would be the best leaders for our community.